This is the officially the last day of Journal Entry. It is indeed a sad day and a happy one at that. We are all sad to know that Mr.Hughes is leaving this year and it is a really sad for Ms.Marrello's homeroom and Mr.Hughes are leaving this year and will no longer be teaching at JIS.
this year has been long and tough. And we will all miss Ms. Marrello and Mr. Hughes. Well good luck where your travels take you and we all wish you guys a safe trip where ever you may go.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Who's- Michelle Eyebrow video.
Purpose- To buy Chocolate.
Target Audience-People who love dairy milk chocolate.
Why effective- The kids want chocolate and they love dairy milk chocolate.
Who's-Maria's Hall of Fame Video.
Purpose-People need milk even for peanut butter and other things.
Target Audience- People who don't drink milk.
Why effective- The guy has no milk to wash down the peanut butter when somebody calls.
Who's Maya Anti smoking commercial
Purpose- To stop people from smoking.
Target Audience- Smokers
Why Effective- Too many people smoke and they are trying to stop people from smoking.
Purpose- To buy Chocolate.
Target Audience-People who love dairy milk chocolate.
Why effective- The kids want chocolate and they love dairy milk chocolate.
Who's-Maria's Hall of Fame Video.
Purpose-People need milk even for peanut butter and other things.
Target Audience- People who don't drink milk.
Why effective- The guy has no milk to wash down the peanut butter when somebody calls.
Who's Maya Anti smoking commercial
Purpose- To stop people from smoking.
Target Audience- Smokers
Why Effective- Too many people smoke and they are trying to stop people from smoking.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I can not believe this weekend. I was so tired that I almost passed out. Unfortunately my friends and I did not pass our tests. I know right this sucks. But Tobin passed his test and my sensai commented on how well I taught him. Now we were supposed to have the nice sensai do our test. But no we got some body worse a lady sensai who is really mean. My friends and I were complaining cause we had to role on the hard tile floor and we were bleeding. My head almost split open and I split my elbow open a bit and it is bleeding like crazy. I almost broke some shoulder bones on both sides of my shoulders. Also I almost split both of my patellas in HALF. And I have lots of bruises. So basically I had a rough weekend and I had to wake up at 6:00AM!!! That was on the night of Terrence's party.
Jonas Sentences
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Target Audience
Teenagers to Adults
Random's new line of Clothes Blah
Awsomely Mind Blowing
Teenagers to Adults
Random's new line of Clothes Blah
Awsomely Mind Blowing
Do you need clothes for anything then stop by Random's where you are always welcome.
Our prices are so low it will blow your mind.
Clothes for everything sport's, dances, and many more.
So stop by Random's where you can shop till you drop.
A Random's is on third street near you and our new line Blah has recently come out.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
This Sunday my friends and I have this really big Aikido test. And Tobin is going to be doing his first test. Now we all know that Tobin is deaf and the other sensais have allowed me to help him through the test. I have tought him what my sensai has taught me. I took this test already and I have 2 more until I am a Blue BELT. Which is a big thing for me here since I am going to be leaving soon. I am thinking that I might or might not be a Brown Belt but I will be close to getting the Brown Belt. I will be doing both tests that I need to do to get a Blue Belt and if me and my friends pass we will all be Blue Belts. See Keegan, Kayleen, Tristan and I are all at the same level basically. Except they all need to do one test and I have to do two. So if you were counting that is three tests that I have to do. With Tobin I have to do the first test with him. And if I pass both of my tests and get my Blue Belt I will still stay and help Tobin when I can. My sensai wants me to progress but he says that I teach Tobin really well. Frankly I am scared cause I don't want to fail. And I don't want Tobin to fail either.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I am currently reading Dante's Inferno. It is a book by Dante Alighieri. Although Dante's Inferno has another name. The real name is The Divine Comedy. It was originally written in Spanish. My mom has read it and I am reading volume 1 and I am on Canto 3(Canto being the chapters). This book is so hard. The book is like College stuff. And I am losing my mind. I just got the Hunger Games and my goal is to finish it this week. which leaves me 3 days. Wish me luck. I can read books fast. I read Black Beauty in 3 days while traviling in a car. I got sick. I read like 15-20 chapters before I went to sleep everynight. There is this game on a website called Addicting Games. And if you go on there you search for Interactive Buddy. Now in this game you can not kill him but you can shoot throm gernades and annoy him. I have played this game and it is fun. Now you can change what he looks like. Which is a cool feature but you need to buy it. The only way to get mony is to attack buddy and your money will increase but you need to keep on atcaking otherwise you will run out of money.Sometimes he might pick up a gernade a nd question what it is. Then it will blow up and he will go unconsious. You can use explosives, god powers, hand, ojects. Skins is how you can change what buddy looks like. Try it the game is fun to play.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Kay I do not know what to say oh I know!!! So I have been reading this book called Maximum Ride. And it is by James Patterson who famous for his Alex Cross series. I am on the first one and it is so good. There are 6 kids. But not ordinary kids. They are mutants. But not like X-Men or any of them. They can fly but they are not witch's they do not have superpowers. Even better they have WINGS!!!!!!! I was shocked. But this is not about me. So in the book all 6 of the kids can fly this the order they have names I will go from oldest to youngest. K so there is Max:Girl, she is 14.Then there is Fang: Boy, 14, 4 months younger than Max. Then there is Iggy:Boy,Blind,14 6 months younger than Max.Then there is Nudge:Girl,Loves to talk a real chatter box,11 Also The Gasman aka Gazzy: Boy, Farts a lot, 10. Then there is the youngest Angel: Girl, 6. Now these kids have no family I will talk about that next time. That's all for now!
Monday, April 12, 2010
6 Elements of a Mystery

A witness is someone who saw the crime.
they are often brought to court for the victim.

People who are suspected of the crime.
They are also accused and sometimes they have alibis.

Things that point to the crime to
figure out what happened
to the victim.

A person who is malevolent
in many different ways. They are
most of the times always
accused of a crime.

Something that has effected lives. Like a
murder, etc. Many things can
be different when a crime has occurred.
Friday, April 9, 2010

It all started when an old lady got hit in the head with a baseball. Then there was a guy who was struck by lightning on a golf course during a storm. Then there was Angeline's rich uncle. What are these connections I will now tell you. It is the work of Voodoo. Black magic. Each one of the victims received a voodoo doll explaining how they died three days before they actually died. But here it is Mr. Monk is trying to figure out the real connections. Angeline was taking care of her uncle when he died but she did not watch him have a heart attack. The heart attack that is how he died.Or is it we are going to find out. There is a suspect that has a voodoo shop. And his name is Reverend Jorgensen. But get this he is not the bad guy. He just sells the stuff. And things go critical when Natalie Mr. Monk's assistant gets a voodoo doll. With it showing that her head is going to be cut off. Natalie is afraid of voodoo because of her last encounter with it. But in the end it was Angeline cause she was a paramedic and she was the paramedic who was there when the people died. She could go into their houses and place a voodoo doll to make it look like actual voodoo. Monk figures this all out because Jorgensen said that she had bought some voodoo dolls from his shop. And at this time Natalie was in the ambulance with the Angeline cause she had drank some voodoo potion that Jorgensen had made. Turns out that Angeline wanted her uncle dead so that way she would get the money the other two people were just Red Herring's. Angeline was going to kill Natalie because she was thinking that Monk was close to figuring out that it was her. That is why she went after Natalie. But thankfully Natalie is still alive and Angeline is in jail. Good ending don't you think.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
This sucks I have recently been told that I have sines infection that I have in my nose and that my throat is red on the inside and that white spots are starting to appear in in my throat as well. So yesterday was when I went to the doctor. Apparently I am contages to some people. But I am not so sure about that. It makes me sad that I just keep on getting sick. I am really getting tired of this whole sickness thing. But there was an upside I got to finish 1 of my many new Xbox 360 games called "Call of Juarez:Bound in Blood". It took me under an hour to finish it. Cause my dad and I have been playing it ever since we got our Xbox 360 last month. I am also working on "Call of Duty 2 Modern Warfare". I have beaten 6 missions already. Soon here I have to start Halo 3 and many others. Mostly war and gun fighting games and fighting games. Being sick is no walk in the park. My dog gets annoying after a while cause he always wants attention. But I am going to go outside and take him for a walk. My mom has been saying not to go outside because I could get other people sick or I can get even more sick and catch something else as well. I am going to school when I am sick and people tell me that I shouldn't. But I still do. My mom doesn't want me to fail 6th grade. And I will not let that happen.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Plastiki is a boat made up of complete plastic bottles. The whole thing is a marvel. Their goal is to sail from San Fransisco, California to Sydney, Australia. Which is a long way. On the 30 of March 2010 they were already at South America and passing it along with Antarctica. This is where the really rough waters are and they were going through there. They are going to sail 12,000 miles in this whole voyage. they were going to sail off in April but decided to leave early.
Plastiki is a boat made up of complete plastic bottles. The whole thing is a marvel. Their goal is to sail from San Fransisco, California to Sydney, Australia. Which is a long way. On the 30 of March 2010 they were already at South America and passing it along with Antarctica. This is where the really rough waters are and they were going through there. They are going to sail 12,000 miles in this whole voyage. they were going to sail off in April but decided to leave early.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Everybody in Mr.Hughes classes have heard that his father died a while ago and he has been gone to help with the funeral and to help his family. We all miss him terribly and fell sad for him. I know that I have had my fair share of family deaths and I personally feel his pain. If you are reading this Mr.Hughes we all miss you.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Vocabulary words
1.Cask- A wooden container that usually holds drinks.
2.Cynical- Whinnier or a complainer.
3.Provisions- Usually supplies or various other things.
4.Subvert- Makes things not work, doesn't cooperate ext.
5.Accumulate- To get more items example like putting everything in a bag.
6.Congregate- Every body comes together for something.
7.Ominous- Signal that shows that something is coming.
8.Contradict- To be going against,talk back, that expresses something opposing.
9.Adversary- Opponent, the enemy.
10.Flabbergast- Amazed, bewildered,surprised for example a magician's tricks.
2.Cynical- Whinnier or a complainer.
3.Provisions- Usually supplies or various other things.
4.Subvert- Makes things not work, doesn't cooperate ext.
5.Accumulate- To get more items example like putting everything in a bag.
6.Congregate- Every body comes together for something.
7.Ominous- Signal that shows that something is coming.
8.Contradict- To be going against,talk back, that expresses something opposing.
9.Adversary- Opponent, the enemy.
10.Flabbergast- Amazed, bewildered,surprised for example a magician's tricks.
Softball Tryouts Today
Today after school the softball tryouts are next and I hope that I make the team. My dad has been practicing with me and he says that I am really good and that I am going to make the team. But I am really nervous and scared. The possibilities are endless of what can go wrong. First of all I am afraid that it will start raining and then we won't be able to do anything and I would have to wait for like 3 hours for the 5:00 late bus. And I do not want that to happen. I brought I have improved and that I will do great and make the team. My dad agrees with me but I am not so sure. I do not want to disappoint my parents cause my dad plays softball and my mom doesn't. My mom says that it is good to try new things. And I think that she is right. The wind is starting to pick up now and the clouds are becoming darker than before. I fear the worst but I will have to try and succeed. My dad has taught me well and says that I am almost better than him. He says that I might be able to help the guys on his team including him. Well wish me luck.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Book
The book that I am currently still reading is 'The Fourth Horseman'. It is a very good book I am on page 166. And there are over 200 pages in the whole book. I am doing really good on it I am on part 3 chapter 4. The book keeps on getting more exciting by the minute. Javed's dad is taking them to a cricket match in Shasakstan it is going to be great apparently. But Laura is having second thoughts with the bombing in England and the news claiming that the Shasakstani terrorist were behind the bombing. She is also worrying that she may see the horseman again. They haven't appeared in a while but she is still worried that she may see them there. But when her father talks to her she changes her mind and decides to go. Before she is about to go Javed's family maid comes and asks her if she can take the bag to Javed. the bag was so heavy that when she got on the train she started thinking that there might be a bomb in the bag. But then after a while she comes to her sences and forgets about her premonition. That is all for now I will type more when I read more.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Haiti History
1. Christopher Columbus was the one who found the island of Haiti.2. Columbus promptly claimed it to be the island of the Spanish crown.
3. In 2004 Haiti made a rebellion it caused conflicts for several weeks and it resulted in the premature end of president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and then he was taken to the United States with military men with him.
4. Jean Jacques Dessalianes became Haiti's first emperor in 1804.
5. Stenio Vincent was succeeded in becoming president in 1994.
6. From the 1986 to the early 1988 Haiti was ruled by a provisional military government under General Namphy.
7. Elections for the Chamber of Deputies and two-thirds of the Senate it took place in May 2000.
8. Christopher Columbus named Haiti Hispaniola.
9. From 1911 to 1915, there were 6 different presidents each of whom was either killed or forced into exile.
10. On January 12, 2010 a devastating earthquake hit Haiti with a 7.0 magnitude with dissasteres results.
Friday, January 22, 2010
10 Vocab Sentences
1) The arsonists burned down the building on purpose.
2) The magician deceived his audience.
3) The movie took place in a cave like catacomb.
4) The person manipulated the rubiks cube to match all the colors.
5) The person was being very submissive to the king to pay his respects.
6) When the earthquake struck you could see cobblestone under the pavement it looked very bumpy.
7) The next day of the Trojan war they assailed the very next day.
8) The scientist was being very meticulously during the experiment being very thourogh the whole time.
9) In the book Peak has 2 twin sisters that are inseparable.
10) Peak's father was obliged to look after Peak until he could go back home with his mom.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My Book that I am Reading
The book that I am currently reading is called "The Fourth Horseman". It is an interesting book that will probably catch your eye in a the school library. But there is only one copy and I am reading it. I have been reading The Fourth Horseman since the 7th of December 2009. So far I am on part three. This book has many science references and many more. This book is about a girl named Laura. She is 13 years old. She has 1 little brother named Alex. He is 10. They both play cricket and are excellent at it. Alex also does Akido which is a defensive martial art. I should know cause I take akido classes. In Alex's class there is his best friend Javed. They think that he is hiding something. They later find out. They have a dog named Randall. About every year they apparently have a family row. Which is a cricket match between family and friends. It is always fun but not for Randall he has to be tied up but he gets perks like plenty of food scraps. The rest about the book is to read it yourself but I will tell you this the Horseman come and they see them but what they plan to do is unknown.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti Update
When we did more research on the deadly earthquake that happened in Haiti I was in shock. They were still finding survivors in the left over buildings in Haiti. They were from the houses that were destroyed in the earthquake. And that there were so many dead and they were finding more dead people were found and buried in a giant grave. There are still bodies in the street. Pray that they don't have more troubles here on in.
When we did more research on the deadly earthquake that happened in Haiti I was in shock. They were still finding survivors in the left over buildings in Haiti. They were from the houses that were destroyed in the earthquake. And that there were so many dead and they were finding more dead people were found and buried in a giant grave. There are still bodies in the street. Pray that they don't have more troubles here on in.
Friday, January 15, 2010

About 2 days ago on January 12th 2010 a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit Haiti in the Caribbean. The city is still recovering there is food that is being provided. And there is very little shelter. This is one of the many houses and buildings that was destroyed during the quake. Haiti has had many earthquakes but none this strong. The structures of the buildings were weak and there is said to be more earthquakes coming soon.
Monday, January 11, 2010
My Holiday
I celebrated Christmas with my parents and our close family friends. Also had all kinds of party's one on Christmas Eve and the other for New Years Eve. We had a lot of fun and got great presents. I got a laptop, Xbox 360, tennis racket, all 4 Twilight books, candy, a new pair of pajamas and some new xbox games. It was an awesome Christmas and we all had a great holiday. To me I think that my was the best I could possibly have, but judjing on what I have heard today at school sounds like everybody else had good holidays as well.
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