Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Awnsers to the Question's

1.A)2.5 % percent the world has of fresh water.

2.A)Fresh water is found in ice on land, in groundwater in the soil, and in the rivers and lakes.

3.A) Depending on the area that people live in determines the water availablity, because water can be more abudunt in certain areas.

4.A) It begins with low rainfall and then increases as it gets closer to the equator. Then it will begin to decrease again.

4.B)It begins with low rainfall and slowly increases.

5.A) Australia, Asia, South America and North America have the most water availablity per person.

5.B) Africa, and Europe hae the least amount of water avialablity per person.

6.A)The main uses of water are for Agricultural.

6.B) The ones that have increased over the last century is Agricultural, Industrial and Resservior losses from evaporation and seepage.

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