Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Bintaro Lama Kampung Field Trip
Last Thursday we took a trip to Bintaro Lama Kampung. Bintaro is sort of a water treatment plant in it's own cool and unique way. We only saw stations 2, 4 and 6. So those are the only ones I can talk about.
station 2: Learning
at station 2 we saw young kids and mostly adults. That had just been learning what goes on with water and how water is cleaned so that way they can do their part for the world by helping at Bintaro. They learn how the water gets it's diseases and how it gets dirty and the process.
Station 4: Filtration
at station 4 we saw how they clean the water. They use these tabs that make the sediment turn into floc. These tablets clean the water and after the floc forms they take out the floc. And then they scoop the water out and put it into a cloth that is put over a cup and then the water slowly goes into the class and appears mainly clear. Then after all the water is in the cup they transfer it into a bigger pot that is able to offically clean the water. When the water is put into the pot it takes roughly about 20-30 minutes to be able to almost drink.
Staion 6: Cleansing
At station 6 they showed us how to clean the water to be able to really drink the water. They had 2 different cleansers that are opptional. One is called 'Air rahmat' that is a liquid that can treat 10 gallons of water with just one small cup in 20-30 minutes. And then the 2nd one is a tablet which name escapes me but one tablet can clean 9 or 20 gallons of water in the same amount of time as the Air rahmat 20-30 minutes.
I would like to thank the teachers for their hard work in organizing the field trips to the water treatment plant and the Bintaro Lama Kampung. And my parents for letting me use the camera for the field trip. And my partners on the project that helped a lot: Emma and Natalie.
By: Ashley Zimmerman

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